Revenge's Dandy Lady
She reminds you that the "Cadillac ride" truly does exist.
Dandy has the most unbelievably smooth rack we have ever ridden. She does not, however, have a cuddly personality. We have been told her personality is passed on by her grand-dad Black Cloud C. Even though she is still in charge of the herd at 18 years old, she is who we put beginners on. That way they know what a rack SHOULD feel like and how a horse should behave. Dandy is just a phenomenal ride and a well behaved, good girl. She has given us three fillies, the newest one a palomino. Our hope is that the baby will move just like her sisters.
This horse is so clever that I have seen her open gates and close them behind her so that she can visit the geldings next door. She is one of those horses seldom found that reminds you that the "Cadillac ride" really does exist. People have begged us to sell Dandy to them, but unfortunately for them my daughter has let us know that this would occur "over her dead body."
Barn Name:
Registered Name:
Revenge's Dandy Lady
Zane Grey's Lady
Black Cloud's Revenge C.
Missouri Fox Trotter
May 11, 1993
14.3 Hands
Bay (no markings)
Queen of the Universe